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Marion Fire Department History

Located in the City of Marion OH, the Marion Fire Dept protects a population of approximately 40,000 people. Marion is located about 50 miles north of Columbus. Map The Marion Fire Department has 3 stations and a staff of 65 Full-time Professional firefighters. IAFF Local #379 represents and protects our firefighters. Below are pictures of our 3 fire stations with some additional information.


Station #1
Built in 1912, is our main station located in the downtown area. It houses 2 Squads, 1 Ladder, 1 Reserve engine and the Assistant Chief's Command Vehicle. This station used to house the horses that pulled the fire wagons to the fire, complete with a hay mound, which is now our dayroom and training room.

Station #2
Built in 1976

Station #3
Built in 1981

Marion Fire Department

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